Local 32 - Savannah, GA

Recruitment limit:




Open Date:

Monday, 03/24/2025
09:00 AM

Close Date:

Thursday, 04/24/2025
05:00 PM

Final Application Due:

Friday, 04/25/2025
05:00 PM


This recruitment is for the Savannah area only, it DOES NOT include the area covered by the Atlanta recruitment. Requests for applications will be from 3/24/2025 at 9AM until 4/24/2025 at 5PM or when 200 applications have been requested. All applications must be completed, and submitted, by 4/25/2025 at 5PM. No applications will be taken at the Union Hall, all applications must go through the neieprecruitment.org web site. You will be required to upload proof of education when submitting your application, so plan accordingly, in advance. If you have ever accepted a job as an apprentice in the IUEC you are not eligible for this recruitment. There is a $25.00 non-refundable fee for the recruitment. Testing will be tentatively scheduled for the week of May 12th, with interviews tentatively scheduled for the week of May 26th. Please keep these dates in mind so that you can make the appropriate plans to attend your test and interview dates. Further information will be given with exact dates, times and address once the number of applicants is known.